One Alabama’s Board of Directors
Charles Lantz, President
Eric Artrip
Eddie Compton
Melissa Gilliland
Kristen Gillis
Camillia King-Stanley
Joy McCampbell
Amber Selman-Lynn
Jasmine Washington
Non-Partisan Policy
What is our nonpartisan policy? Non-partisan organizations that partner with One Alabama must never support or oppose political parties or candidates, including those running for school boards on nonpartisan platforms. However, they may adopt a position expressing their support for or opposition to various issues, but only to the extent permissible with respect to the requirements of each organization’s tax-exempt status. Nothing in the law or in One Alabama documents prohibits members as individuals from exercising their civic responsibilities in personal and partisan ways, including running for office. Non-partisan organizations partner with One Alabama on the following areas:
Voter Education
Voter Registration
Voter Restoration
Phone Banking
Get Out the Vote (GOTV)
COVID-19 Outreach